Monday, August 11, 2008

Is Your Life Complete? 5 Tips for Living a Fulfilled, Complete Life

When we talk about living a complete life, what do we mean? Are we talking about simply achieving goals as a way to show accomplishments? Not exactly – a complete life means that you live a life that is fulfilled and full of happiness.
Goals are an important part of it, but so are personal and professional relations, passions and desires. For almost everyone, living a complete life is an ongoing process – every day we take steps or perform tasks that help us achieve the goals and desires we have set forth in our life.
It’s very easy to live life – to go through the motions – without living fulfilled. Far too many of us are getting up every day and we don’t have a passion or purpose in what we do. We’ve lost track of our life goals and are not sure how to get back on the path towards living a fulfilled life.
So how do we get back on track in our lives? Or if we already are on track, what are some of the tips that can help keep us on track? I’ve compiled a list of 5 areas that you can focus on that can help you achieve living a fulfilled and complete life.

Turn Your Desires and Wants into Goals
We all have
desires and wants in our life. For some of us it can be a desire to be able to retire early, for others we may have a want to get the latest BMW. For many people they have a desire to make sure that they leave behind a legacy of doing well in both their personal and professional lives.In order to achieve your wants and desires, set up goals for yourself. In fact, many people find that by having goals – and milestones to achieving that goal – that they have the motivating power to actually make it happen. Setting up goals gives you the purpose for getting up in the morning and helps fuel the drive to succeed. Make sure your goals are achievable by breaking them down into smaller steps. Then celebrate each time you achieve one of the steps towards the larger goal!
Turn Your Goals into Habits

Now that you have defined your goals, or better yet you have achieved them, don’t step there! Turn those goals into habits. If your goal was to finish your college education then make it a habit – make education a part of your everyday life by always learning and doing. If your goal was to get rid of the clutter in your life then make sure you don’t stop once you have achieved it or else the clutter will find its way back into your life!Habits help us continually achieve goals and even help take small goals and transform them into larger ones. For instance, if you have achieved your goal of reducing your energy and water usage help others see the benefits of doing so as well – expand your goal by making it your habit! People learn by seeing others do.
Track Your Progress and Celebrate Your Accomplishments

If you remember, I said that in order to make your goals achievable to break them down into smaller steps and celebrate each step as you achieve it. It’s important that we recognize the progress we make in our lives – and that our friends and family make in theirs. It’s positive reinforcement and it is one of the most crucial ingredients in leading a happy, fulfilled life.Celebrate accomplishments and use the momentum from achieving that milestone as the catalyst to propel you towards the next milestone! You will find that soon you have developed a positive self-feeding cycle in your life and you will be able to achieve anything you put your mind to!
Watch Out For the Negatives

How many of us limit ourselves by listening to old, outdated and just plain wrong advice and conventions? When people tell you that you can’t do something because you haven’t done X or Y first, just smile and tell them “Thanks, but I think I’ll give it a shot!” Never limit yourself or your beliefs.It seems that in life people are always more apt to listen to those who want to spread the negative emotions and thoughts around than they are those who want to spread around the message of “Yes you can!” Learn how to overcome those who want to be held back by old, outdated beliefs and propel yourself forward knowing that you can do something if you work hard at it.Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, didn’t believe in the old belief at the time that IBM didn’t do business with small companies – and look at where he is now!
Keep Your Mind Open Change

We should always make sure that we have an open mind and learn that change happens and sometimes we need to modify our desires or goals. This doesn’t mean you should give up on something because you think it is too hard to achieve, but rather you should be open for new ways of achieving that goal or modifying the goal to take advantage of advanced in technology, science and the world around us.Successful people know that change is part of life – and that change does not, as many people believe, happen suddenly but rather is a gradual process that takes place every minute of the day. By being aware of the change that happens around them they can better focus their goals and desires to take advantage of change instead of being surprised by it.

Are you preparing to bring fulfillment to your life? Use this list as guide then watch as change starts to happen around you. People will notice when you change your attitude and outlook, and when they do it is almost viral – they begin to change theirs as well! Before you know it, not only are you living a full, complete life but you also were the catalyst for others to find fulfillment in their lives as well!

Written by David B. Bohl of Slow Down Fast.


In each day that passes by, we stand by and witness how our lives are being lived without the full happiness and satisfaction we crave and need. Most people spend their time stressed out, worried and on a constant panic about what needs to be done for their futures, raising their children, wired up over work, school, along with everything else. Does this sound familiar? Well if it does, it is because so many people live with this style and pattern. When you can start living that fully happy and satisfied life?

The only way you can live a happy and satisfied life, is when you start doing things that make you happy and satisfied. Sure, it sounds easy, and can be easy if you just remember to make yourself one of your top priorities. Too many people neglect themselves, feeling that it would be selfish if they took any time out to focus on their own being. While it is good to take care of others and other important things going on in your life, it is mandatory that you never forget about yourself. Discover who you really are and what matters most to you. Living a great life does not just happen. It requires, planning and following those plans to a life that reflects who you truly are.
Most people avoid planning goals and dreams in their lives because they may have a fear of committing to it or failing. They feel that by officially writing it down, they would actually have to go through with pursuing it. This is where you need to rate the importance of your life missions. What is most important to you? Is it losing a certain amount of weight? Getting your degree? Spending more time with your spouse or children? Whatever the reason or reasons may be, just write all of them down. You may feel that making a mental note of your goals and dreams is enough, but you could very well be setting yourself up for disappointment and failure. By writing it down, you will become a visual witness of those goals. Try writing them in an organizer, with a little reminder written in each day.

Setting deadlines for these goals would be a great way to assure they will be accomplished. Avoid disappointment by setting realistic deadlines. For example, if you wanted to lose 10 pounds, do not give yourself a week to do so. You will only torture yourself and become depressed when the week is over and see that you did not come even close to losing the 10 pounds. In fact, you may give up losing weight altogether because of the failure you experienced, simply because your deadline was unrealistic. Take some time everyday to look over your goals and remind yourself of how important they really are to you. Ask yourself why they are important to you too. Knowing that something is important is not enough. You must know the reasons behind the importance of the dreams and goals you have, so that your mind can see it more clearly and understand exactly why it is so necessary to go through with your missions.

Excuses are demons you must learn to fight off if you wish to start living a happy and satisfied life. Most people claim to have many dreams, but say they just do not have the time to approach them. Stop making excuses! You are the only one who holds the power to make a real difference in your life. Sure, we all have busy lives with our careers and families, but nothing takes up 24 hours of your day. So if something is truly important to you, you will be sure to make the time to work on it. You can do this by replacing it with something less important. For example, if you claim you do not have the time to work on the other important goals in your life, perhaps it is time for you to start making close observations on the way you spend your time. If you spend several hours of the day working, studying, and then several hours taking care of house chores and family, what else are you doing with the rest of your day? If you spend a good portion watching television, then you need to cut back on that and use that time to begin and follow an exercise plan you have been thinking to focus on for a long time (or whatever goal it is you have).

Making yourself one of your first priorities is not selfish. It actually is obligatory to do so in order to succeed in the other subjects of your life. Without a happy and satisfied you, there will be no happy and satisfied life, because you will be stressed out and unhappy. You might be consciously ignoring your needs and desires, but your subconscious mind has not forgotten about you and will constantly remind you through stress, anger, sadness, insecurity and feelings of failure.

Start listening to yourself and becoming the best friend and supporter you need. No one is going to work on your happiness for you, so find the power and motivation stored up inside you, and use it to direct yourself into the path of true happiness and satisfaction. You can do anything you set your mind to, and once you have stopped and gotten in touch with yourself, you will learn and realize just how wonderful and capable you really are, and how you always have been. You will not only realize these things, but also begin loving who are more and more, which will not only lead you to achieving the things that make you most happy, but will guide you into a world of many new dreams come true.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Best Things in Life

1. Falling in love.
2. Laughing so hard your face hurts.
3. A hot shower.
4. A special glance.
5. Getting mail.
6. Hearing your favorite song on the radio.
7. Lying in bed listening to the rain outside.
8. Hot towels out of the dryer.
9. Finding the sweater you want is on sale for half price.
10. Chocolate milkshake.
11. A long distance phone call.
12. A bubble bath.
13. Giggling.
14. A good conversation.
15. The beach.
16. Laughing at yourself.
17. Midnight phone calls that last for hours.
18. Running through sprinklers.
19. Laughing for absolutely no reason at all.
20. Having someone tell you that you're beautiful.
21. Laughing at an inside joke.
22. Friends.
23. Falling in love for the first time.
24. Accidentally overhearing someone say something nice about you.
25. Waking up and realizing you still have a few hours left to sleep.
26. Your first kiss.
27. Making new friends or spending time with old ones.
28. Playing with a new puppy.
29. Late night talks with your roommate that keep you from sleeping.
30. Having someone play with your hair.
31. Sweet dreams.
32. Hot chocolate.
33. Road trips with friends.
34. Swinging on swings.
35. Watching a good movie cuddled up on a couch with someone you love.
36. Wrapping presents under the Christmas tree while eating cookies and drinking soda.
37. Song lyrics printed inside your new CD so you can sing along without feeling stupid.
38. Going to a really good concert.
39. Getting butterflies in your stomach every time you see that one person.
40. Making eye contact with a cute stranger.
41. Winning a really competitive game.
42. Making chocolate chip cookies!
43. Having your friends send you homemade cookies!
44. Spending time with close friends!
45. Seeing smiles and hearing laughter from your friends.
46. Holding hands with someone you care about.
47. Running into an old friend and realizing that some things (good or bad) never change.
48. Discovering that love is unconditional and stronger than time.
49. Riding the best roller coasters over and over.
50. Hugging the person you love.
51. Watching the expression someone's face as they open a much-desired present from you.
52. Watching the sunrise.
53. Getting out of bed every morning and thanking God for another beautiful day.
54. Having friends you know you can cry on or talk to about your deepest problems

Have a "best thing in life" that you'd like to add? Please comment.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Please Help Me Sleep Better At Night!

Let's Get Started...

Many of us experience the occasional night of sleeplessness without any consequences. It is when the occasional night here and there becomes a pattern of several nights in a row that you are faced with a sleeping problem.

Repeated loss of sleep affects all areas of your life: The physical, the mental, and the emotional. Sleep deprivation can affect your overall daily performance and may even have an effect on your personality.

If your insomnia continues for a long period of time it can cause problems in your relationships, compromise your productivity, and perhaps lead to other health problems.

It can become a relentless cycle of worry and anxiety as night after night you toss and turn, wondering when sleep will come, wondering what is wrong with you.

Insomnia and sleeplessness generally fall into three categories:
  1. "Initial" insomnia: where you have difficulty in falling asleep, generally taking 30 minutes or longer to fall into a sleep state.
  2. "Middle" insomnia: where after falling asleep you have problems maintaining a sleep state, often remaining awake until the early morning hours.
  3. "Late" or "Terminal" insomnia: where you awake early in the morning after less than 6 hours of sleep.

Insomnia can be the symptom of some medical conditions that may require your doctor's advice and medical care. In those cases the cause will be treated, not the insomnia.

If, however, your sleeplessness is due to a pattern of not sleeping, or because your body and mind find it difficult to settle into a state of relaxation necessary for sleep, this guide offers you alternative choices for achieving healthy sleep without the use of prescription drugs.

This guide will teach you how to:

Set the mood for a comfortable sleep atmosphere
Prepare your body for relaxation
Use colors to stimulate calmness and relaxation
Understand the importance of exercise
Use music and other relaxation techniques
Relieve your mind of anxiety and worry
Discover the importance of reducing stimulants
Use herbal teas and warm drinks to promote relaxation
Use herbs and vitamins to promote natural sleep

After reading this guide you will have the information you need to turn your sleepless nights into restful ones, waking in the morning refreshed and alert rather than tired and anxious.

All of the techniques and sleep-inducing aids in this guide can be applied naturally and easily in your life. Get ready to embark on the journey of falling asleep naturally!

I Desperately Want To Feel Better About Myself

5 Steps To Overcome Shyness
by Jeff Cohen

If you want to learn the most basic steps, read on:

1. Start your day right with a positive image of yourself.

When you wake up and tell yourself that you are terrific, this aura eventually carries through for the rest of the day and therefore generates a positive feeling. This simple exercise can also boost your subconscious mind. By doing this, you'll get a good start in the morning. Just go through your day with the right disposition.

2. Dress up.

Dress the part. What you wear can aid in boosting your confidence level. Try it. If you look nice, you also feel good. Have you ever noticed how those Hollywood A-Listers walk down the red carpet with chin up and all? They attribute their confidence to the designer gowns that they are wearing. You may not be clad in a multi-million dollar gown but as long as you have the right fashion sense and you are comfortable in what you are wearing, you will not be shy in approaching people.

3. Understand that it is alright to be afraid.

You cannot remove fear or anxiety. It will always be there in the back of your head. What is important is not to show it. People, like dogs, can also smell fear. They can sense it.
Try to overcome your fears by taking calculated risks. Face situations with a head-on attitude. Try out things you have never even dared trying before. Do not be afraid of rejection. Ninety-nine people may say “no” but a single “yes” makes all the difference. In fact, rejection is the best teacher for a person, for it drives him to reach his goal.

4. Be honest.

In order to overcome your flaws, you have to admit them. By facing the truth, you can figure out what to do about it. By admitting to yourself that you are shy, you understand that you must do more.

5. Be active.

Engage in various activities. Join clubs. Interact. Jump into any opportunity that will allow you to be in a network. Prevent tension from seeping in by being part of an on-the-go social circle. Be engrossed in self-development activities.
Accept yourself and appreciate your own being. Realize that there are many opportunities for improvement and that you need on work on these. Accept your flaws and work around them. Don’t use these as reasons for you to hide in the background. Remember, you only live once. You might as well live the best life ever!

Monday, August 4, 2008

I Want A Better Life...NOW

6 Simple Rules To Live By
by Jeff Cohen

Life can be simple and peaceful if you incorporate the following six rules into your daily routine.

1. Practice some quite time everyday

Quieting your mind is the secret ingredient to a happy and successful life. Make it a regular habit to enjoy some quiet time every day. To start, set aside just 10 minutes at the start of your day. Just sit in a quiet place without paying any attention to your passing thoughts. Only pay attention to your breathing and notice your chest and abdomen while breathing. This is not yoga, meditation, etc. This is simply quiet time. Just ten minutes a day in the morning or even at night before bedtime is ideal for you to enjoy the peace within. If you make this a regular habit you will witness a better quality of life quickly.

2. Exercise your body and mind

Daily exercise keeps you away from mental and physical illness. Exercise keeps your body flexible, supple and strong. This also leads to a more balanced mind. There are plenty of good exercises you can choose from to keep yourself healthy and enjoy a long life. If you have not been exercising, start today. Just go for a brisk walk and feel the fresh air filling your lungs.

3. Eat sensibly

This area really poses a challenge for most of us. ‘You are what you eat’ is not just a mere saying. It is a fact of life. What we eat, why we eat, when we eat and how we eat are important factors related to our physical, psychological and spiritual well-being. It is wise to choose a healthy diet and stick to it. Your goal should not only be to lose weight, but also to keep it under control so that your body and mind do not bear the strain of obesity.

4. Choose a fulfilling profession or job

Many people have a bad habit of constantly switching jobs. They do not seem to know what they are looking for. They are not sure if they are after the money, challenge, job satisfaction, etc. It is important that you have clear-cut ideas on what you are looking for in a job. You should love your job in order to do it well and succeed in it. You will find fulfillment in your career only when you love your profession or job.

5. Maintain good relationships

Life is for sharing. Share your love and happiness with your friends and family. Learn to cherish your relationships. Respect everyone around you and develop good communication skills to establish truly valuable relationships. Relationships make your life meaningful.

6. Get enough sleep

Sleep restores energy. Make sure to get 8 hours of sleep each night. A deep, regular and restful mind is good for body and spirit. If you have unhealthy sleeping habits, get rid of them and develop good sleeping habits today. It will make a HUGE difference in every aspect of your life.

When you practice these simple rules you are bound to enjoy a happy, healthy and peaceful life. Life is quite simple, really!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Why Living a Life of Gratitude Can Make You Happy

Just a few reasons:

Because it reminds you of the positive things in your life. It makes you happy about the people in your life, whether they’re loved ones or just a stranger you met who was kind to you in some ways.

Because it turns bad things into good things. Having problems at work? Be grateful you have work. Be grateful you have challenges, and that life isn’t boring. Be grateful that you can learn from these challenges. Be thankful they make you a stronger person.

Because it reminds you of what’s important. It’s hard to complain about the little things when you give thanks that your children are alive and healthy. It’s hard to get stressed out over paying bills when you are grateful there is a roof over your head.

Because it reminds you to thank others. The simple act of saying “thank you” to someone can make a big difference in that person’s life. Calling them, emailing them, stopping by to say thank you … just taking that minute out of your life to tell them why you are grateful toward them is important to them. People like being appreciated for who they are and what they do. It costs you little, but makes someone else happy. And making someone else happy will make you happy.